序号 |
论文题目 |
第一作者 |
非一作排序 |
通讯作者 |
发表日期 |
论文收录/转载 |
刊物/论文集名称 |
1 |
Later but not weaker: neural categorization of native vowels of children at familial risk of dyslexia. |
陈傲 |
2022 |
Brain Sciences |
2 |
Development of neural discrimination of pitch across speech and music in the first year of life, a mismatch response study. |
陈傲 |
2022 |
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience |
3 |
Cetincelik, M., Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P, Sadakata, M. (2021). Native language, L2 experience, and pitch processing in Music. |
陈傲 |
2021 |
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism |
4 |
Simultaneous bilinguals who do not speak a tone language show enhancement in pitch sensitivity but not in executive function. |
陈傲 |
2 |
2020 |
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism |
5 |
Processing good-fit anomalies is modulated by contextual accessibility during discourse comprehension: ERP evidence. |
常若晗 |
2020 |
Language Cognition and Neuroscience |
6 |
Prediction differs at sentence and discourse level: An event-related potential study. |
常若晗 |
2020 |
Applied Psycholinguistics |
7 |
The relationship between interaural delay in binaural gap detection and sensitivity to temporal fine structure in young adults with or without musical training experience |
丁宇 |
2022 |
Frontiers in Neuroscience |
8 |
Relationships among temporal fine structure sensitivity, transient storage capacity, and ultra-high frequency hearing thresholds in tinnitus patients and normal adults of different ages. |
丁宇 |
2022 |
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience |
9 |
Traditional martial arts and shooting training have different effects on auditory fine structure processing ability---Evidence from behavioral tests and fMRI. |
丁宇 |
2022 |
American Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
10 |
The Effects of Attention on the Syllable-Induced Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex and Cortical EEG Responses against Energetic or Informational Masking in Humans. |
丁宇 |
4 |
2022 |
Brain Sciences |
11 |
传统武术结合认知科学研究的机遇与挑战 |
丁宇 |
2022 |
武术研究 |
12 |
传统武术中的“空”及其在擒拿中的应用. |
丁宇 |
2022 |
中华武术 |
13 |
社区老年人执行功能和加工速度与运动能力的关系 |
丁宇 |
4 |
2022 |
心理发展与教育 |
14 |
Spatial Specificity in Attentional Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex in Rats. |
丁宇 |
2021 |
Experimental Brain Research |
15 |
Interaural delay modulates the prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex induced by binaural gap in humans. |
丁宇 |
2 |
2021 |
JASA Express Letters |
16 |
Neural Correlates of Attentional Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition. |
丁宇 |
2 |
2021 |
Frontiers Human Neuroscience |
17 |
Attribute capture underlying the precedence effect in rats. |
丁宇 |
2 |
2021 |
Hearing Research |
18 |
Differences in auditory associative memory between younger adults and older adults |
丁宇 |
3 |
2021 |
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition |
19 |
Different binaural processing of the envelope component and the temporal fine structure component of a narrowband noise in rat inferior colliculus. |
丁宇 |
4 |
2021 |
Hearing research |
20 |
对射击项目认知能力研究的回顾与前瞻 |
丁宇 |
2021 |
体育科学进展 |
21 |
门控及其注意调节在体育研究中的重要意义 |
丁宇 |
2021 |
体育科学进展 |
22 |
Negative emotions in the target speaker's voice enhance speech recognition under "cocktail-party" environments. |
丁宇 |
2 |
2020 |
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics |
23 |
The medial agranular cortex mediates attentional enhancement of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex. |
丁宇 |
2 |
2020 |
Behavioural Brain Research |
24 |
Activation of L1 orthography in L2 word reading: Constraints from language and writing system |
方小萍 |
3 |
2021 |
Second Language Research |
25 |
集体记忆与国家认同——以推进铸牢中华民族共同体意识为视角. |
郭人豪 |
2021 |
中国藏学 |
26 |
多民族地区民族心理距离对教育政策过程的影响——以贵州省义务教育均衡政策为例. |
郭人豪 |
2021 |
民族教育研究 |
27 |
义务教育阶段数学教学中渗透中华民族共同体意识的路径研究 |
郭人豪 |
2021 |
课程.教材.教法 |
28 |
多元语言文化对个体情境下与社会情境下认知转换功能的差异性影响——来自锡伯族的证据. |
郭人豪 |
2020 |
心理学报 |
29 |
External rewards and positive stimuli promote different cognitive control engagement strategies in children. |
金晓雨 |
金晓雨 |
2020 |
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience |
30 |
When the approaching threat is uncertain: Dynamics of defensive motivation and attention in trait anxiety, |
潘东旎 |
2 |
2022 |
Psychophysiology |
31 |
Exposure to acute stress affects the retrieval of out group related bias in healthy men. |
潘东旎 |
2021 |
Biological Psychology. |
32 |
Brain activities of reconsolidation: nuances in post-retrieval interference led to optimal alterations of episodic memories. |
潘东旎 |
2021 |
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
33 |
Post-retrieval distortions of self-referential negative memory: Valence consistency enhances gist-directed false, while non-negative interference generates more intrusive updates. |
潘东旎 |
2021 |
Frontiers in Psychology |
34 |
Emotional working memory training reduces rumination and alters the EEG microstate in anxious individuals. |
潘东旎 |
2020 |
Neuroimage-Clinical |
35 |
When expanding training from working memory to emotional working memory: not only improving explicit emotion regulation but also implicit negative control for anxious individuals. |
潘东旎 |
2020 |
Psychological Medicine |
36 |
Using questionnaires and task-related EEG signals to reveal hindered reappraisal and biased suppression in individuals with high schizotypal traits. |
潘东旎 |
2020 |
Scientific reports |
37 |
The altered early components and the decisive later process underlying attention bias modification in social anxiety: evidence from event-related potentials |
潘东旎 |
2020 |
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience |
38 |
Implicit emotion regulation deficits in individuals with high schizotypal traits: an ERP study. |
潘东旎 |
2 |
2020 |
Scientific reports |
39 |
Compound word frequency modifies the effect of character frequency in reading Chinese. |
王珏 |
2 |
2021 |
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology |
40 |
The effects of emotional context and exposure frequency on L2 ontextual word learning. |
王珏 |
2 |
2021 |
International Journal of Bilingualism. |
41 |
A database of Chinese-English bilingual speakers:Ratings of the age of acquisition and familiarity. Frontiers in Psychology,11, 554785. |
王珏 |
2020 |
Frontiers in Psychology |
42 |
不同汉语水平的二语学习者注音文本阅读的眼动研究 |
徐晶晶(外) |
江新 |
2021 |
世界汉语教学 |
43 |
Decreased interoceptive accuracy in children with autism spectrum disorder and with comorbid attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. |
杨晗雪 |
2022 |
Autism Research |
44 |
Audiovisual synchrony detection for fluent speech in early childhood: An eye-tracking study. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2022 |
PsyCh Journal |
45 |
Multidimensional Interoception and Autistic Traits Across Life Stages: Evidence from a Novel Eye-tracking Task. |
杨晗雪 |
2021 |
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. |
46 |
Individuals with Autistic Traits Exhibit Heightened Alexithymiabut Intact Interoceptive-Exteroceptive Sensory Integration. |
杨晗雪 |
2021 |
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
47 |
A network analysis of interoception, self-awareness, empathy, alexithymia, and autistic traits. |
杨晗雪 |
2021 |
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. |
48 |
Correlations Between Audiovisual Temporal Processing and Sensory Responsiveness in Adolescents with Autistic Traits. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2021 |
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
49 |
Horizontal but not vertical saccades enhance memory retrieval: A meta-analysis and systematic review. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2021 |
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology |
50 |
Exploring the links between alexithymia, empathy and schizotypy in college students using network analysis. |
杨晗雪 |
2020 |
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry |
51 |
The role of lipoprotein profile in depression and cognitive performance: a network analysis. |
杨晗雪 |
2020 |
Scientific Reports |
52 |
Validation of the Chinese version of the Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale (MSS): Convergent evidence from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2020 |
Asian Journal of Psychiatry |
53 |
Self-reported sensory responsiveness patterns in typically-developing and early-onset schizophrenia adolescents: Its relationship with schizotypal and autistic traits. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2020 |
Journal of Psychiatric Research |
54 |
Validation of the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy in patients with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2020 |
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry |
55 |
Audiovisual temporal integration and rapid temporal recalibration in adolescents and adults: Age-related changes and its correlation with autistic traits. |
杨晗雪 |
2 |
2020 |
Autism Research |
56 |
Predictability eliminates neighborhood effects during Chinese sentence reading. |
药盼盼 |
2022 |
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. |
57 |
Universal and specific reading mechanisms across different writing systems. |
药盼盼 |
3 |
2022 |
Nature Reviews Psychology |
58 |
Processing evidence for the grammatical encoding of the mass/count distinction in Mandarin Chinese |
药盼盼 |
2022 |
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research |
59 |
Plausibility and Syntactic Reanalysis in Processing Novel Noun-noun Combinations During Chinese Reading |
药盼盼 |
2021 |
60 |
Sentence context modulates the neighborhood frequency effectin Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements |
药盼盼 |
2021 |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition |
61 |
Abnormal Dorsal Caudate Activation Mediated Impaired Cognitive Flexibility in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury |
张秀平 |
2 |
2022 |
Journal of Clinical medicine
62 |
How working memory capacity modulates the time course of indirect replies comprehension: an event-related potential study |
张秀平 |
2021 |
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience |
63 |
社会规约性及呈现方式对理解会话中的间接回应的影响. |
张秀平 |
2020 |
心理学探新 |
64 |
How working memory capacity modulates the time course of semantic integration at sentence and discourse level |
张秀平 |
2 |
2020 |
Neuropsychologia |
65 |
Interference effects of radical markings and stroke order animations on Chinese character learning among L2 learners |
侯枫芸、江新 |
2022 |
Frontiers in Psychology, |
66 |
汉语二语者汉字笔顺与书写速度关系的研究 |
徐晶晶、江新 |
2022 |
《语言文字应用》 |
67 |
阅读测试文本的可读性研究 |
江新、宋冰冰、姜悦、翟雨莹 |
2021 |
CSSCI扩展版 |
《中国考试》 |
68 |
视觉输入增强对汉语二语学习者语块学习的影响 |
房艳霞、江新 |
2020 |
《语言教学与研究》 |
69 |
Analytic and holistic recognition of Chinese words among L2 learners |
蒋楠、侯枫芸、江新 |
2020 |
The Modern Language Journal |
70 |
he processing of multiword expressions in children and adults: An eye- tracking study of Chinese |
姜上、江新、Siyanova-Chanturia, A |
2020 |
Applied Psycholinguisitics, |
71 |
汉语文本可读性特征体系构建和效度验证 |
吴思远、于东、江新* |
2020 |
《世界汉语教学》 |